
Please Note: Rankings and/or recognition by unaffiliated rating services and/or publications should not be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results if Newport Capital Group is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services, nor should it be construed as a current or past endorsement of Newport Capital Group by any of its clients. Rankings published by magazines, and others, generally base their selections exclusively on information prepared and/or submitted by the recognized adviser. The rating is not indicative of future performance. No fees were paid to participate for all of the awards listed.
2022 Largest Investment Consultants Pension & Investments: P&I distributed the 2022 investment management consultant survey to approximately 200 firms and received 66 valid responses. At minimum, consultants must report total and institutional AUA to be included in the results. Neither advisors nor their firms pay a fee to apply or be listed in the Investment Consultants ranking.
2023 Top Retirement Plan Adviser: The 2023 PLANADVISER Top Retirement Plan Advisers recognition is based solely on self-reported quantitative data about an adviser’s practice. To be included in this year’s list, advisers had to have a minimum of 50 plan clients or retirement plan assets under advisement of $400 million or more, as of year-end 2022. After meeting the minimum plan or asset count, advisers are also highlighted if they meet the following categories: have 150 or more 401(k) plan clients; have 10 or more 403(b), 457, nonqualified, DB, cash balance, SEP, SIMPLE or MEP/PEP plan clients; are female; or are younger than 40 years of age. As this recognition is based solely on quantitative figures, there is no judging or subjective measurement, and it is not indicative of any adviser’s future performance. Neither advisory firms nor their employees pay a fee in exchange for this recognition.
NAPA Top DC Advisor Teams 2022: Established in 2017, nominees had to be individual advisor team/offices with a defined contribution book of business, in a single physical location. To be considered, firms had to submit responses to an application form, including information about their practices, notably their defined contribution (DC) assets under advisement. The list is created and conducted by the National Association of Plan Advisors, an affiliate organization of the American Retirement Association, a non-profit association. Ranked by assets under advisement, 362 firms were included on the list, all teams are in a single physical location and based on self-reported assets as of 12/31/2022. No fee is charged to participate.
NAPA Top DC Advisor Teams 2021: Established in 2017, nominees had to be individual advisor team/offices with a defined contribution book of business, in a single physical location. To be considered, firms had to submit responses to an application form, including information about their practices, notably their defined contribution (DC) assets under advisement. The list is created and conducted by the National Association of Plan Advisors, an affiliate organization of the American Retirement Association, a non-profit association. No fee is charged to participate. Ranked by assets under advisement, self-reported by advisor firm/teams.
FA’s 2021 Annual RIA Ranking: FA’s RIA survey is a ranking based on assets under management at year end of independent RIA firms that file their own ADV with the SEC. FA’s RIA ranking orders firms from largest to smallest, based on AUM reported to us by firms that voluntarily complete and submit FA‘s survey by our deadline. We do our best to verify AUM by reviewing ADV forms. To be eligible for the ranking, firms must be independent registered investment advisors and file their own ADV statement with the SEC and provide financial planning and related services to individual clients. Firms must have at least $500 million in assets under management as of December 31, 2020 to be included in the print edition of Financial Advisor magazine’s 2021 RIA survey. Firms with under $500 million will be included the FA’s expanded online RIA survey. Corporate RIA firms and investment advisor representatives (IARs) are not eligible for this survey. A corporate RIA is a registered investment advisor most often formed by a broker-dealer that files an ADV with the SEC. Advisors who are affiliated with the broker-dealer or other entity’s corporate RIA may offer investment advice. They are considered Investment Advisor Representatives (IARs) of the corporate RIA. All of the assets under management of the IARs are included in the corporate RIA’s ADV filed with the SEC. To be eligible for our annual RIA rankings, firms must be registered investment advisors and provide financial planning and related services to individual clients. Firms with at least $500 million in assets under management will be included in our national ranking that will be published in the August 2021 issue of Financial Advisor magazine. Firms with less than $500 million in assets will be published in an online national ranking on FA’s Web site, No fee is charged to participate. The rating is not indicative of client’s experience and the ratings is not indicative the adviser’s future performance.
NAPA Top DC Advisor Teams 2020, Established in 2017, nominees had to be individual advisor team/offices with a defined contribution book of business, in a single physical location. To be considered, firms had to submit responses to an application form, including information about their practices, notably their defined contribution (DC) assets under advisement. The list is created and conducted by the National Association of Plan Advisors, an affiliate organization of the American Retirement Association, a non-profit association. No fee is charged to participate. This year there were 305 submissions. 300 were on the final list. Ranked by assets under advisement, self-reported by advisor firm/teams. NAPA Top DC Advisor Teams 2019, Established in 2017, nominees had to be individual advisor team/offices with a defined contribution book of business, in a single physical location. To be considered, firms had to submit responses to an application form, including information about their practices, notably their defined contribution (DC) assets under advisement. The list is created and conducted by the National Association of Plan Advisors, an affiliate organization of the American Retirement Association, a non-profit association. No fee is charged to participate. This year there were 305 submissions. 300 were on the final list. NAPA TOP DC Advisor Multi-Office Firms 2019: Established in 2017, nominees had to be individual advisor team/offices with a defined contribution book of business. To be considered, firms had to submit responses to an application form, including information about their practices, notably their defined contribution (DC) assets under advisement. Approximately 300 submissions were received and 13% and 38 firms were published having multiple office locations. The list is created and conducted by the National Association of Plan Advisors, an affiliate organization of the American Retirement Association, a non-profit association. No fee is charged to participate. The rating is not indicative of the adviser’s future performance. NAPA Top DC Advisor Firm 2017: Ranked by assets under advisement, self-reported by advisor firm/teams. Approximately 300 submissions were received and 91%, 275 were published having over $100 million in DC assets. The list is created and conducted by the National Association of Plan Advisors, an affiliate organization of the American Retirement Association, a non-profit association. No fee is charged to participate. The rating is not indicative of the adviser’s future performance.
The FT 401 2019: The Financial Times 401 Top Retirement Advisors is an independent listing produced annually by the Financial Times (October 2019). To be considered the data is based on data gathered from advisors, regulatory disclosures, and the FT’s research. The listing reflects each advisor’s status in six primary areas: DC plan assets under management (AUM), DC AUM growth rate, specialization in DC plans, years of experience, advanced industry credentials and compliance record. This honor is not indicative of the advisor’s future performance. Neither the advisors nor their parent firms pay a fee to the Financial Times in exchange for inclusion in the FT 401. FT received 770 applications, of those, 401 (52%) were added to the list. FT 401 2018: The Financial Times 401 Top Retirement Advisors is an independent listing produced annually by the Financial Times (September 2018). The FT 401 is based on data gathered from advisors, regulatory disclosures, and the FT’s research. The listing reflects each advisor’s status in six primary areas: DC plan assets under management, DC plan growth rate, specialization in DC plans, years of experience, advanced industry credentials, and compliance record. This honor is not indicative of the advisor’s future performance. Neither the advisors nor their parent firms pay a fee to the Financial Times in exchange for inclusion in the FT 401. FT received 670 applications, of those, 401 (60%) were added to the list. FT 401 2016: To be considered an advisor must meet the minimum criteria, only advisors that apply can be considered. Manage at least $75 million in assets under advisement in DC plans. DC plans should account for at least 20% of total AUA. FT received over 670 applications, of those 401 (60%) were added to the list. All advisors that applied are run through proprietary scoring methodology, which is explained in more detail below. The FT 401 ranking is conducting independently by the Financial Times, in partnership with Ignites Research, a subsidiary of the Financial Times that conducts research and analysis on the asset management industry. Judging criteria for winners; The FT generates an internal score for each applicant based on seven broad factors. 1, DC assets under management (AUM) – accounts for about 55 percent of each advisor’s score on average. 2, Specialization in the DC business – measured by what percentage of the overall assets managed by the adviser are in DC plans, and how that concentration has changed. (About a third of the score is based on the concentration of the adviser’s overall business in serving DC plans, combined with the growth in the adviser’s DC business.) 3, Growth rate in DC plan business – measured by changes in both DC plan clients and assets. 4, Years of experience advising DC plans – indicates experience of managing DC plan assets in different economic and market environments. 5, Industry certifications – show the technical knowledge that is important in the complicated DC plan industry. 6, Participation rate in DC plans advised – this looks at effectiveness by measuring the portion of employees participating. 7, Compliance record. The FT 401 is conducting independently. Neither advisors nor their firms pay a fee to apply or be listed in the FT 401 report. The rating is not indicative of the adviser’s future performance.
The 2021 PLANADVISER Top 100 Retirement Plan Advisers recognizes the top defined contribution (DC) plan advisers across the U.S in terms of assets or plans under advisement, based on self-reported information from advisers. To become eligible for this quantitative listing, advisers must complete the annual PLANADVISER Retirement Plan Adviser Survey, fielded each September. Respondents are divided into categories for evaluation, defined by the number of advisers, plus support staff, in the practice. The numbers required to achieve a Top 100 designation change every year, depending on the size of the firms that respond to the survey. There is no fee paid to PLANADVISER in exchange for inclusion in the listing. The rating is not indicative of the adviser’s future performance. The 2020 PLANADVISER Top 100 Retirement Plan Advisers recognizes the top defined contribution (DC) plan advisers across the U.S in terms of assets or plans under advisement, based on self-reported information from advisers. The Top 100 Retirement Plan Advisers is segmented into four groups based on the number of advisers and number of total employees, including support staff: Individual advisers are one adviser with support staff; a small team comprises of two or more advisers and support staff, the total not exceeding 10; a large team is a group of 11 to 35 advisers and support staff; mega teams have 36 or more team members in all. To qualify for a particular segment, individuals needed to advise a minimum of 100 plans or $1 billion in retirement plan AUA; small teams had to advise at least $1.7 billion in retirement plan assets or more than 115 plans; large teams needed $3.5 billion or more in retirement plan AUA or 200 or more plans; and mega teams had to oversee at least $12 billion in retirement plan AUA or more than 300 plans. There is no fee paid to PLANADVISER in exchange for inclusion in the listing. The 2019 PLANADVISER Top 100 Retirement Plan Advisers recognizes the top defined contribution (DC) plan advisers across the U.S in terms of assets or plans under advisement, based on self-reported information from advisers. In 2018, 321 survey responses for the PLANADVISER Retirement Plan Adviser Survey, elected to be considered for the 2019 PLANADVISER Top 100 Retirement Plan Advisers list. Of those, 100 (31%) were named to the list. There is no fee paid to PLANADVISER in exchange for inclusion in the listing. The 2018 PLANADVISER Top 100 Retirement Plan Advisers recognizes the top defined contribution (DC) plan advisers across the U.S in terms of assets or plans under advisement. In 2017, 341 survey responses were collected for the PLANADVISER Retirement Plan Adviser Survey, from which the list is generated. Of those, 100 (29%) were named to the list. The 2017 PLANADVISER Top 100 Retirement Plan Advisers recognizes the top defined contribution (DC) plan advisers across the U.S in terms of assets or plans under advisement. In 2016, 613 survey responses were collected for the PLANADVISER Retirement Plan Adviser Survey, from which the list is generated. Of those, 100 (16%) were named to the list. The 2016 PLANSPONSOR Retirement Plan Adviser of the Year awards recognize the top defined contribution (DC) plan advisers across the U.S via a qualitative evaluation of which advisers represent the best service to plan sponsors and participants. Advisers have to meet the following minimum criteria: having a majority of business revenue derived from employer-sponsored retirement plans, serving as a fiduciary, being committed to fee-based compensation and using outcome-based metrics of plan success with clients. In 2015, when nominations and entries were fielded for the 2016 awards, 114 total entries to the awards program were submitted, and there was one winner each in four categories in 2016, meaning 3.5% of entrants were winners. There is no fee paid to PLANADVISER in exchange for inclusion in the listing. 2015-2011 PLANADVISER Top 100 Retirement Plan Advisers; 2013 PLANSPONSOR Team of the Year Finalists data not collected by PLANADVISER Magazine for disclosures.
2019 NJBIZ 40 Under 40 Award: NJBIZ solicit nominations and self-nominations through our website, print edition, e-newsletters and eblasts. After the nominations have been reviewed to ensure all necessary information was provided, we send the nominee (and cc: the nominator) an email asking them if they wish to continue to Phase II. Once Phase II is complete, we compile information from both the nomination form and the Phase II questionnaire/application and send it to our judges. The judges score each nominee in 3-5 categories, depending on the event, and return their scoresheets to NJBIZ. NJBIZ then compiles the scores from each judge and recognizes the top scoring candidates as honorees. The number of honorees is 40. Company policy states that NJBIZ does not share the number of nominations received per award category. No fee is charged to participate. 2009 and 2010 NJBIZ 40 Under 40 Award and 2010 50 NJBIZ Best Women in Business Awards: NJBIZ solicit nominations and self-nominations through our website, print edition, e-newsletters and eblasts. Judges are peers in the industry and score each nominee in 3-5 categories, depending on the event, and return their scoresheets to NJBIZ. NJBIZ then compiles the scores from each judge and recognizes the top scoring candidates as honorees. The number of honorees varies based on the event but usually between 40-50. Company policy states that NJBIZ does not share the number of nominations received per award category. No fee is charged to participate.